
Elina Närvänen ja tutkimusryhmä

Muutosagentteina kestävässä kiertotalousmurroksessa

Liikesivistysrahaston vuosina 2020–2023 rahoittama tutkimushankkeemme ”Waste Matters – Change Agents’ Engagement in Circular Economy Transformation” päättyi loppuvuodesta 2023. Hanke onnistui mielestäni erinomaisesti ja sillä oli monia myönteisiä vaikutuksia tutkimusryhmämme toimintaan. Tässä blogikirjoituksessa kerron lyhyesti hankkeen tuloksista ja niiden vaikuttavuudesta. Hankkeessa tutkimme erilaisten edelläkävijöiden eli muutosagenttien roolia kiertotalousmurroksessa. Hanke keskittyi erityisesti kiertotalousmuotiin, mutta jatkoimme myös aiempaa […]

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Jannica Nyman

Consuming happiness: How consumer culture steers Nordic consumption behavior?

Finland’s ranking as the happiest, and all the Nordic countries joining the top 10 ranked happiest countries in the world in the World Happiness Report, invites a captivating question: How do the Nordic consumers’ consumption patterns relate to their renowned sense of happiness and perception of a ‘good life’? Set to be completed by December […]

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Pushpa Rani

Female Migrant Entrepreneurs in Finland: Survival Strategies, Marginalization, and Mental Well-Being

In today’s dynamic business landscape, female migrant entrepreneurs (FMEs) transcend traditional roles, playing a crucial role not just in economic growth but also as mentors inspiring others. Adapting to local cultures, they break down barriers and empower women to unleash their creativity, turning hobbies into businesses and building strong community networks. Research Framework My research […]

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Siddhant Ritwick

Physicians versus Google Doctors: The Evolution of the Relationship Between Experts and Laypersons Through Digital Tools.

Doctors are among the most consequential experts. Rightly so, because the stakes are highest when it comes to health, which is the foundation of a good life. For more than a century, physicians have exercised considerable authority and autonomy over patients, including the legal right to cut, drug, and examine them. This is based on […]

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Zhuo Chen

City Brain – Values and Materialities of the Chinese smart infrastructure

Smart infrastructure, providing systemized solutions for urban development through the intelligence of infrastructures, has been seen as a new impetus for sustainable urbanism and is expected to bring a dramatic change in the business arena in both developed and developing countries. However, existing research is mostly premised on corporate visions and market-making around smart infrastructure […]

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