The 100-year-old Foundation for Economic Education Awarded EUR 5 Million in 2019 Grant Round

The Foundation for Economic Education 2019 grant round awards were announced at Finlandia Hall on the fund’s 100th anniversary on 7 November. The scholarships explore, among other things, gamification of working life skills, indicators of responsible business and the emergence of health innovations.

To celebrate its anniversary, the Fund awarded a total of EUR 5 million for research and education in business and economics. In total 411 applicants and projects received a grant. The application sum for the round was  EUR 28.5 million, of which awarded grants cover 17.7 %.

Projects in five different focus areas were sought after during 2019 application round. Projects dealing with the research on future-sustainable environment, renewal of business and data economy received the most grants. Other focus areas were leadership competence and entrepreneurship, scaling and growth.

Foundation for Economic Education 2019 grant round awards (pdf).

For the first time, grants included multi-annual research groups. Five innovative projects received a three-year research group grant. Each research group received a grant of € 200,000 to enable long-term research.

Grant sum increased by one million

In accordance with its rules, the Foundation for Economic  Education supports higher economic education, which is promoted at the university levels of research and applied sciences. Fund’s support for research and education increased by over EUR 1 million to celebrate its 100th anniversary.

The disqualification rules

In order to promote the transparency of scholarship activities, the Fund complies with the rules of disqualification decided by its Board in 2017.

Additional Information

CEO Johanna Vesterinen: or +358 9 659 933.